FDA Food Safety

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

G&J voluntarily complies with the FDA food safety program, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). HACCP is a systematic approach in identifying, evaluating and controlling food safety hazards.

HACCP systems are designed to prevent the occurrence of potential food safety problems. This is achieved by assessing the inherent hazards attributable to a product or a process, determining the necessary steps that will control the identified hazards, and implementing active managerial control practices to ensure that the hazards are eliminated or minimized.

The FDA is recommending the implementation of HACCP in food establishments because it is a system of preventive controls that is the most effective and efficient way to ensure that food products are safe. A HACCP system will emphasize the industry’s role in continuous problem solving and prevention rather than relying solely on periodic facility inspections by regulatory agencies.

Below is a diagram of the HAACP principals for Food Establishment Operators: